Food For Diabetes

Food For Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that needs to be taken very seriously. Diabetics should be treated by a doctor, but there are a number of things you can do yourself to keep the disease under control. There are in particular many herbs that have different beneficial effects for people who suffer from diabetes.

Fenugreek contains a large amount of vegetable gum, a water-soluble dietary fiber that helps to keep the blood sugar level up. Furthermore, the use of fenugreek increases the level of HDL cholesterol, or good cholesterol, in the blood while the total cholesterol level decreases. This in turn contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, where diabetics run a higher risk.

Traditionally, onions in Asia and Europe are used in the treatment of diabetes. Contemporary scientific research has indeed confirmed that onions can lower blood sugar levels. Onions also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, because they lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

The effects of garlic in diabetes are similar to those of onions. Research has shown that garlic can lower blood sugar levels. It also has beneficial effects on the heart and blood vessels. One of the healthiest ways to use garlic is to eat it raw and to finely chop it for five to ten minutes before use.

Bitter melon (momodica charantia)
Bitter melon is a pumpkin-related fruit that is common in Africa, Asia and South America. The fruit, which looks like an ugly cucumber, is widely used in traditional medicines for diabetes. Clinical studies in humans have shown that the fresh juice of bitter melon and the extract of the unripe fruit are able to lower blood sugar levels. Bitter melon can be found in Asian toko's and you can buy the extract at health food stores.

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
The root of the marshmallow plant contains a large amount of pectin, a soluble fiber that can lower blood sugar levels.

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)
Of the milk thistle, a plant known for its purifying effect on the liver, research published in the journal Phytotherapy Research has shown that it can lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, the people who participated in the study had significantly lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the so-called 'bad' cholesterol), triglycerides and liver enzymes - all substances related to cardiovascular disease.

Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Tea from the leaves of the blueberry bush is traditionally used to treat diabetes. This use is now supported by research that has shown that this tea can indeed lower blood sugar levels. The berries and their extract have even more favorable properties for diabetic patients. For example, they provide a lot of vitamin C, they prevent damage to the small blood vessels, they ensure that people get bruises less quickly and they supply antioxidants. Furthermore, they are favorable for the condition of the eyes because they improve the blood supply to the retina.

Gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre)
Gurmar is used in India as a traditional remedy against diabetes. A number of Indian studies have shown that it stimulates insulin production.

Ginkgo biloba
Ginko biloba is best known as an herb that is good for the health of the brain, but it also helps well with diabetes. It has been proven to stimulate blood flow to the arms, fingers, legs and feet. This is beneficial for people who suffer from diabetes, because they often suffer from reduced blood circulation.

In addition to a healthy diet and using the above-mentioned herbs, providing enough exercise is the most important adjustment that someone with diabetes can make in their lifestyle. Physical activity has many beneficial effects for diabetics, including improving blood circulation, lowering blood sugar, weight loss and protection against cardiovascular disease. It should occupy an important place in any treatment plan of diabetes.

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