Prevent Diabetes

5 tips to prevent diabetes type 2

1.       Exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. Little exercise is often part of an unhealthy lifestyle, with an unhealthy diet, obesity and a lot of stress. An unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of developing diabetes 2.
2.       Exercise helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Overweight is an important risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
3.       Prevention 7 Movement helps the body to remain sensitive to insulin. Insulin ensures that glucose from the food is absorbed by the tissues. Every time you eat, the blood glucose level rises and the body makes this hormone. Thanks to insulin, the blood glucose level drops to a value between 4 and 7 in healthy people within two hours. But people with type 2 diabetes are no longer sensitive to insulin. This keeps the value high, with all the consequences. Research shows that one day of non-exercise has a negative effect on insulin sensitivity. This eventually leads to type 2 diabetes.

4.       You consume energy by moving. This ensures that the cells absorb the glucose better.Among other things, the muscles are put to work with movement. They absorb a lot of glucose from the blood: about eighty percent. In short: the more muscle you have, the better the body can process the glucose.

5.       Exercise has a beneficial effect on the immune system. The immune system not only plays a role in bacterial or viral infections, but also in chronic diseases such as diabetes. As long as you are not extremely intensive and long-term sport, movement promotes your natural defenses.

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